There is nothing more important and fulfilling in life than finding purpose. Whether it is to be a teacher, a musician, an entrepreneur, a chef or a healer when you align with your life’s purpose everything else in your life falls into place. But finding purpose is easier said than done. Here we will talk about why finding your purpose in life should be your top priority and some practical steps to help you find your purpose.
Every single human being on this planet came with a purpose. Before your consciousness entered into the body you knew exactly why you came here. Once your consciousness entered into the body and you were born you forgot. Most people have forgotten the reason they were born and because society at large conditions us to think, act and behave in certain ways most people never align with their purpose in life for fear of being different and end up living an unfulfilled life full of regret.

A staggering 90% of people die with regret with the number one regret on their deathbeds is living a life expected of them and not living a life true to themselves.
But it does not need to be like this, and it takes everyday people like you to be the example. In fact there are plenty of studies that show how a small minority of people influence the mass population. It is not easy being the minority and putting yourself out there to be criticized for being different, but remember than anyone who criticizes you for being different but is a reflection of them, and not of you. This is because you represent what they are afraid to be. What tends to happen over time is that less people will criticize you and more people will want to be like you. You, just by being you and expressing yourself authentically give others permission to be themselves and to express themselves authentically too
So go in to the world with purpose and be the example and shining light. Live a fullfed life with inner peace. Be the example for others so they can shine their light too.
It is all well and good to talk about finding your life’s purpose but the reality is that the only way you can find it is by doing the work on yourself. Your life is specifically design with everything you need to find your purpose but unless you’re willing to explore this you won’t find it. Here are some practical things that you can do to help you align with your life’s purpose.
1. Trust Your Intuition – Your intuition is the part of you that allows you to understand your truth without input from the external world. It is the ‘gut feeling’ that you know something isn’t right even if evidence suggests that it is right. If the world says you shouldn’t do someone but deep down you know you should do it, then do it!
There is evidence that suggest ‘gut feelings’ are actually bio-physically real. Scientist have discovered that the human gut has its own neuronal network (mini brain) that is connected to the actual brain through the gut-brain axis running up the vagus nerve.
2. Spend Time Alone – Spending valuable alone time without any external distractions does wonders to help quiet the mind and connect with your soul. These are the moments where you can listen to souls story (intuitively) and reflect on how you have been living your life and what you can change to align with what feels right for you. A point to note is that spending time alone can mean sitting alone, going for a bushwalk alone, fishing alone but put the phone away!
3. Be The Observer – Whether your at home with family, at work, or out with friends, take the time to simply observe the world around you. Observe how people interact with each other and observe yourself as you interact with them. Being the observer helps you connect with your intuition when you’re out and about which can reveal elements of your purpose in life.
4. Self-Reflect – Self-reflection is a crucial part to revealing your purpose. When life is great how do you act? When life is a struggle how do you act? Do you have an idea about the way things should be and get upset when things don’t go they way they should, or do you accept things as they are? Most importantly be genuine as you self-reflect. Shadow aspect of yourself will likely emerge that you need to confront.
5. Be Prepared for Pain – The journey of finding your life’s purpose will more than likely bring you pain and discomfort. This is because you will need to challenge what you have been taught by society, your teachers and your parents and take charge of your own destiny. You will encounter ridicule, criticism and in extreme cases abuse simply because you are now expressing yourself from a place of truth and authenticity and are no longer being trapped by the expectations of others. The irony is that when you are aligned with and living your genuine purpose you will have the strength to succumb to the pain with inner peace knowing that you are being true to yourself.
6. Be Authentic – A life with purpose is a life of genuine authenticity. Your life’s purpose is an expression of your truth and the foundation of truth is to be authentic. Society at large may not agree with your truth but remember, it never matters how a message is received, all that matters is how the message is delivered. By being authentic in everything you do your purpose will make itself known to you.
This is only a taste of how you can align with your life’s purpose. If you want to learn more then please feel free to contact me.